It would be great, if a live session could be “reset”, so that it could be re-used/re-opened again - for example in the next semester. Currently, it seems, that once a session is closed, it cannot be re-opened again.
Resetting would then also mean, that all “results” are deleted.
With the resetting of the live session, it should also become possible, to edit the session.
Dear @HPEclic,
thank you very much for your feedback. There will be two different functionalities that should cover the use cases you describe.
First, it is already possible to abort sessions, while they are running with the button “Session abbrechen” (as shown in the image below). This will delete all results and reset the session to be scheduled.
Regarding the possibility to reuse sessions again during the next semester, we will implement a “duplication” functionality soon. This will allow you to create a new session with identical questions, but without loosing any results from the old session.
I hope this answers your question.
…thank you very much. That solves the basic issue.
I would be good, to also have the option to delete old “closed” sessions, which are not required anymore.
Basically, we do not need any of the results after the lecture, so that storing results - in case one “accidentally” closed a session (what already happened to me) - would only “waste” space and “clutter” a bit the overview in the “session” tab.
Dear @HPEclic,
this is definitely a good suggestion as well, thank you. We are planning on including either a deletion possibility or at least an option to “archive” sessions so that they do not obstruct a good overview on the session list view.
Furthermore, the implementation of tagging and filtering for the session list is already planned for the stable v3.0 release.
Thank you very much for developing and maintaining Klicker. I would endorse the “Archive” or “Delete” functionality for the session list view. Since I often do trials, I have a lot of those in my session list.
we have noticed that this thread has not been updated, despite the corresponding functionalities being available since KlickerUZH v3.1 / v3.2.
It is now possible to both “duplicate” live quizzes and delete past and completed live quizzes through the corresponding list in the lecturer application. We hope that these extensions cover all the requested use cases.
Best regards,