KlickerUZH v3.3: Asynchronous Activity Previews

As this feature has been repeatedly regularly, we are happy to share that KlickerUZH now offers a preview functionality for asynchronous activities (practice quizzes and microlearnings).

The activity preview allows lecturers to verify the appearance and content of an activity before it becomes available to students. It can be accessed through the corresponding activity on the course overview by selecting “Other actions” > “Open preview”.

Beyond the possibility to visually inspect the activity, lecturers are even able to answer questions, test the grading logic and optionally provided answer feedbacks shown to the students. However, none of the entered answers will be stored by KlickerUZH and/or shown in the activity evaluation. Instead, the submitted answers are only graded and then stored locally on the user’s computer. Please also notice that the preview links only work as long as you are logged in as a lecturer and not logged in with a student account at the same time.

As always, we would be happy to hear about any feedback you might have about this new functionality of KlickerUZH!

Lecturer preview of scheduled practice quiz:

Lecturer preview of answered free-text question in scheduled practice quiz: