We are pleased to shared that the publication workflow of practice quizzes has recently been extended with a “scheduling functionality”. While practice quizzes were previously either in a “Draft” or “Published” state, it is now possible to schedule them.
As before, students will only have access to published practice quizzes and the functionality to “unpublish” practice quizzes in draft or scheduled states will remain unchanged. Create a practice quizzes as usual, before heading to the list of practice quizzes in your course and selecting it for publication. You will be prompted by KlickerUZH to choose between an immediate publication (left) or a scheduled automated publication (right):
If an automated scheduled publication at a specified date is chosen, the quiz will be assigned a “Scheduled” state in the overview, which will automatically change to “Published” at the publication date and time, giving students full access to the activity’s content. Please allow for a few minutes for the automated publication around the entered time. Until the practice quiz becomes accessible, a corresponding message with the publication time will be displayed to the students: