KlickerUZH v3.0: Group Activities

This post is part of a series on our new KlickerUZH v3.0 concept. See KlickerUZH v3.0: Release Information for more information on the overall concept.

To strengthen collaborations between students, we have developed a collaborative activity type. The new “group activity” allows students to cooperate on a set of questions and fosters collaboration through distributed information. Students can form groups independently and work together on given tasks.

Each participant in a group receives only part of the clues necessary to answer a question, encouraging an exchange on the topic between participants. This way, the group members are required to work together to compare the data available and find the correct answers.

Group activities offer an ideal opportunity for students to learn about practical applications of the theory they have learned and exchange opinions with fellow students. Additionally, group activities can be integrated within the overall gamification approach of the KlickerUZH with a leaderboard for the groups that participated.
