KlickerUZH PowerPoint Add-In not found

Hi, where can I find the PowerPoint Add-in if it does not show up for me in the AppsAnywhere/CampusSoft?

Thanks very much!!

Dear @Antonie,

thank you for your message. If you used your UZH credentials to log into PowerPoint / Microsoft Office, the plugin should automatically be installed. No installation through AppsAnywhere should be required.

You can find the KlickerUZH Evaluation plugin through the Plugin window under the tab “Admin managed”.

I hope this solves your issue and you can use the evaluation plugin as desired.

Best regards,

Apologies, but I seem to have the same problem. Using powerpoint from the UZH Office365 installation, I do get a “Add-Ins” button in the “Home” tab, but there is no “Admin managed” tab, just the option to install new add-ins from Microsoft.

Dear @jpernt,

Depending on the menu from which you open the Add-Ins, it is sometimes required to first select “More Add-Ins” at the bottom of the modal.

Moreover, we have noticed with our own setups, that it seems like a recent Microsoft Office update had an impact on the accounts associated with the Office installation. Therefore, another problem could be that you are currently not logged in with your UZH-account and are therefore not able to see the KlickerUZH Add-In.

We hope that one of these solutions resolves the issues you encountered. Otherwise, please feel free to respond again to this thread.
