KlickerUZH Evaluation PPT Add-in outside of UZH

Dear Support, I am interested to try out the evaluation PPT Add-in, however unfortunately I am not a member of UZH. Is there a possibility for me to get access to this add-in? Thank you

Dear @Felix,

You currently need to be part of a MS365 organization to be able to use our add-in (as we have not - yet - published it through the official Microsoft catalog). Then a tenant administrator can deploy the KlickerUZH add-in for the organization or for specific people.

To achieve this, simply visit https://admin.microsoft.com/#/Settings/IntegratedApps as an admin and follow the steps described in Deploy add-ins in the admin center - Microsoft 365 admin | Microsoft Learn. Use the following link to the XML manifest to import our add-in: https://www.klicker.uzh.ch/office-addin/manifest-content.xml.

Hope that might help you or your administrators to use our add-in successfully :slight_smile:

Best regards,